Yahoo! US Auction sites are retiring.•
Yahoo! US Auction sites will no longer be accepting listings as ofJune 3, 2007.• Listings will not auto re-submit after June 3, 2007. As of May 4th, Auctions Scheduler and Auto Resubmit features are nolonger available.
Yahoo! US Auction sites will no longer be accepting listings as ofJune 3, 2007.• Listings will not auto re-submit after June 3, 2007. As of May 4th, Auctions Scheduler and Auto Resubmit features are nolonger available.
I am moving all of my Auctions Yahoo items to: eCrater is Number 4 on the listings chart, after eBay, Bidville, and Yahoo (soon to be gone). So very soon eCrater will be Number 3 and growing with 537,867 current listings.
Come and visit our eCrater Store soon.