Give it to MoneyExchange and watch it go.
RevolutionMoneyExchange is an easy way to transfer money between accountholders—anytime you are online. Pay a friend back for dinner without hitting the ATM. Give a roommate your half of the rent without writing a check. Send a sibling cash to cover your half of mom’s present —without mailing a thing. Sound easy? It really is easy to transfer money between RevolutionMoneyExchange accountholders. Start by signing up for an account. It’s easier than you think.
RevolutionMoneyExchange is an easy and secure way to send and receive money online for FREE.
FREE to register for an account
FREE to add money from your bank account
FREE to send money
FREE to receive money
FREE to request money
FREE to electronically transfer money to your bank account
A transaction fee applies for check withdrawals ($2.50 per check), check stop payments ($20 per check), paper statements ($5 per statement), ACH returns ($35 per returned ACH), and overdrafts ($35 per overdraft).
Revolution Money Exchange accounts are handled by First Bank and Trust, Brookings, SD. First Bank & Trust is a state chartered bank and is a member of the FDIC and a part of Fishback Financial Corporation.
Sign up through my referral email before March 31, 2008 and RME will deposit $25.00 into your RME account to get you started. In addition, they will deposit $10.00 into your RME account for every referral you give them which results in a new account before March 31. Contact me at cupenny@tds.net for your referral and any additional information.
Revolution Money Exchange is great news for all online Sellers and Buyers! You can find them at http://www.revolutionmoneyexchange.com; but PLEASE sign up through my referral email, which RME will send to you upon my request. I have a special gift for each new account that signs up before the March 31 deadline through my referral only.
Join me at:
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