Villas at Summer Bay, Kissimmee, FL. The perfect Disney destination for a greal family vacation.

Discussions on Antiques and Collectibles, particularly Wedgwood, Pfaltzgraff Pottery, Old Guns; but other discussions are certainly welcome. Also discussions on Travel, Time Shares, Amateur Radio, Supporting Our Troops, and Rock Hounding are encouraged.
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P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
Hi Penny and Doug. I don't normally bother with comments but feel a little bored today and am trying to waste a little time. I was just surfing around the net (actually looking for info on Sell Time Share) when I came across your blog. Just wanted to let you that I've gone back and read through some of your past posts. They caught my interest and I can relate to a quite a bit of what you say. So keep it up - I guess.
Hi Penny and Doug. I don't normally bother with comments but feel a little bored today and am trying to waste a little time. I was just surfing around the net (actually looking for info on Sell Time Share) when I came across your blog. Just wanted to let you that I've gone back and read through some of your past posts. They caught my interest and I can relate to a quite a bit of what you say. So keep it up - I guess.
Hi Penny and Doug. Hope you are well. I came across your site totally by accident. In fact it wasn't exactly on a topic I was looking for (I was on the lookout for Time Share Resale info). But as I was searching, one link led me to another and I got curious about your blog. I found it interesting and thought I'd drop you a line to tell you so. I guess thats what surfing is all about.
Hey Penny and Doug, how's it going? I just came across your blog and I've gone through a lot of what you've written in the past. I can see what you are saying and can relate to bit of it. Its actually weird that I ended up at your blog, cause I was actually doing an assignment, looking for information on Time Share Resale. Even though your posts didn't exactly correspond to what I'm trying to find, it was still a good distraction. I guess it always is when you've got to do a damn assignment. Thanks anyway.
Hi Penny and Doug. Hope you are well. I came across your site totally by accident. In fact it wasn't exactly on a topic I was looking for (I was on the lookout for Time Share Resale info). But as I was searching, one link led me to another and I got curious about your blog. I found it interesting and thought I'd drop you a line to tell you so. I guess thats what surfing is all about.
Hey Penny and Doug, how's it going? I just came across your blog and I've gone through a lot of what you've written in the past. I can see what you are saying and can relate to bit of it. Its actually weird that I ended up at your blog, cause I was actually doing an assignment, looking for information on Time Share Resale. Even though your posts didn't exactly correspond to what I'm trying to find, it was still a good distraction. I guess it always is when you've got to do a damn assignment. Thanks anyway.
Hey, cool blog you got here. I'm a nut case surfer, but l know what I like.
Have a good one!
Always looking for how to sell timeshares!
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