NRA'S Celebration of American Values Leadership Forum included special guest speakers--Oliver North, John Bolton, Carl Rove, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Mitch McConnell, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, and John McCain.
The Celebrate Freedom Concert featured country music's favorite comedian T. Bubba Bechtol with an all- star evening of fabulous female performers! The three-act lineup for this all-free Celebrate Freedom Concert included the incredible talents of Kentucky's own Sarah Johns ... the all-girl band Cowboy Crush ... and the amazing Jamie O'Neal.
The key-note speaker for the NRA's Celebration of American Values Banquet was Glenn Beck, television and talk-show host and author of "An Inconvenient Book", which is at the top of bestseller lists across America.
A favorite of many attendees was the appearance of Ted Nugent. While he’s often called a guitar hero, it’s because of his work with the National Rifle Association (NRA) and his advocacy for hunting, that he has earned the respect of hunters across North America. To the Nuge, hunting is not just a sport; it is a way of life. And, Ted doesn’t just limit himself to music and hunting, he’s very outspoken when it comes to other issues that hit close to home; including politics, the Second Amendment and crime. Visit Ted at: http://www.TedNugent.com.
Ted--and we--also encourage you to join the NRA membership. See a brief history of the NRA and information on how to join at: http://www.nra.org/aboutus.aspx.
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