Thursday, February 05, 2009

TimeShare Vacation Travel

Since we retired, my husband and I have been traveling and enjoying the use of our various time share resorts scattered across the USA and other countries. From time to time, we will post our travel experiences and hope to hear from other like wanderers.

We like driving to various parts of the USA and Canada, and enjoying the varied scenery along the way. Sometimes we take the Northern Routes, the Southern Routes, and the Inbetween Routes, depending on the time of year and the weather. Over the past seven or so years, I think we have been to about all of the 50 states and three Canadian Provinces.

Sometimes, during our travels in the USA, we take time to seek out local Antique Shops, in search of our favorite "things". We have even purchased or sold items on eBay or other auction online sites; and then made arrangements to pick up or deliver the items in person, if we happen to be traveling in that direction. It is interesting to meet the Seller or Buyer in person. Look at my website,, for some of the "things" we have found in duplicate.

The Time Share exchanges we frequent are both "Weeks" resorts, where you stay for a full week, and "Points" resorts, where you can stay from two nights or more. We have found a need for both of these vacation options. Inbetween resort accommodations, we find our favorite motels/hotels when just an overnight stay is needed; and even these can be paid for by using timeshare points.

If you are looking for bargains in Time Share purchases, look at three that are available at our Mall Store at: One is for RCI "Points" and the other two are "Weeks" resorts--one "fixed" and one "floating". We now realize that we have too many timeshares, even after giving weeks each year to our children. So, we are hoping to pass these three weeks on to another family looking for top-notch vacations and/or vacation exchanges. Not to worry--we still have enough points and weeks left to use and give to our children!


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