February Sale in Progress at Penny's Pantry
The category on sale this month is all Timeshare rentals and sales--20% off. Browse our online catalog and find our extra specials at: Penny's Antiques & Wedgwood Pantry. Sale ends Midnight, February 28, 2010.
Pictured here: Carlsbad Inn Beach Resort, for sale or rent
New Listings:
1. Hardcover "Teeth of the Tiger" by Tom Clancy
2. Hoosier Glass Company Bud Vase
3. Indiana Glass Company Ivy Bowl
4. Velcro Hook & Loop Tape Vintage Unopened
Penny and Doug
Penny's Antiques & Wedgwood Pantry
Quote of the Day:
"[A] good moral character is the first essential in a man, and that the habits contracted at your age are generally indelible, and your conduct here may stamp your character through life. It is therefore highly important that you should endeavor not only to be learned but virtuous." --George Washington, letter to Steptoe Washington, 1790
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