Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Blue and Gold Christmas

By Chris Hill 12/25/2010, Gathering of Eagles

Christmas came a day early for Blue and Gold Stars in Pennsylvania. Dozens of Blue and Gold Star parents, as well as O.I.F./ O.E.F. veterans received a knock on the door from groups of grateful veterans. This was done with manpower and material support provided by Second Brigade Motorcycle Club, who have stood as Eagles since our inception on St Patrick's Day 2007 and proved their resolve to veterans causes again on Christmas Eve 2010.

We brought complete Christmas dinners, with turkey and all the trimmings to men and women who could not have been more appreciative. One Vietnam Gold Star mom asked, "Can I give you a donation to help others?". No mom, you can't. This was so you'd know that mom is never forgotten and we ALL KNOW mom serves with us.

Christmas Eve 2006 .... Article continued at:

God bless our military and their Blue and Gold Star Moms!

Penny and Doug
Penny's Antiques & Wedgwood Pantry

Quote of the Day:
If not for the military, there would be no USA!

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