Saturday, November 06, 2010

Wedgwood Jewelry

Wedgwood jewelry

Various articles of personal adornment decorated with plaques of ceramic ware made by Josiah Wedgwood & Sons Ltd. Such articles (including finger rings, medallions, brooches, pendants, buckles, clasps, earrings) were often made by Josiah Wedgwood (1730-95) of jasper or black basalted earthenware, sometimes as a cameo or intaglio set in a metal mount.

Pictured above: Wedgwood Gold Filled Egyptian Pendant, available at our Mall Store at:

The mounts were of gold, silver or marcasite, or of cut steel frequently made by Matthew Boulton of Birmingham, c. 1790.

Other articles which have been made of, or decorated with, Wedgwood jasper include beads, combs, chatelaines, and scent bottles. The ground of the jasper ware is of various colours, e.g. pale blue, lilac, sage-green, yellow, and black.

Josiah Wedgwood II made, c. 1812-22, some medallions of bone China that were mounted as brooches.

From: An Illustrated Dictionary of Jewelry, autor: Harold Newman, publishers: Thames and Hudson

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Penny and Doug

Quote of the Day:

"The dons, the bashaws, the grandees, the patricians, the sachems, the nabobs, call them by what names you please, sigh and groan and fret, and sometimes stamp and foam and curse, but all in vain. The decree is gone forth, and it cannot be recalled, that a more equal liberty than has prevailed in other parts of the earth must be established in America." --John Adams, letter to Patrick Henry, 1776

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